Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Illegal to love?

So, obviously gay marriage has been a hot topic for the past few years. What's all the rage about? Well some believe that it's completely your choice. While others believe that marriage was created for man and woman, not woman and woman or man and man. Homosexuality itself is a huge debate. Are you born with it? or do you become it? Could your environment be part of the reason you become it? So, do you believe in gay marriage?According to gallup.com , 53% of Americans believe that same sex marriage should not be valid, 44% believe that it should, and 3% have no opinion.(http://www.gallup.com/poll/128297/Gay-Marriage-May-2010.aspx)

So, speaking of gay rights we might as well talk about another recent topic. "Don't ask don't tell?". Well this deals with gays in the military. Is this discrimination or just looking out for the comfort of those in the military? Should you be forced to stay quiet about your feelings just so everyone else will be comfortable who surrounds you? 67 % of Americans are for the rule while 28% are against it. (http://www.gallup.com/poll/145130/Support-Repealing-Dont-Ask-Dont-Tell.aspx)

Santa Baby.

So, you hear all about the man, normally around December, but did you ever wonder about his background ? Maybe how he became popular? Or even for those who still believe why he would bring everyone presents, especially when they are strangers? If so this is the right blog to read. So, Santa, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, the man has a lot of names. This character was a modern version of the dutch Sinterklaas. He became more famous from the popular soda company coca cola when they put him on their can in the 1900's.

Fired Mall Santa Considering a Lawsuit
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was it appropriate for him to tell a joke like that to adults? how did you interpret it?

Even movies have come out staring the all time most recognized holiday character. Santa!