Thursday, November 4, 2010


Television has changed in so many ways since it first was manufactured. One of the many changes includes what is actually shown on the screen. When the television first came out in the early 1930's it began with only showing news programs but now it has developed into a main part of many americans' lives not only showing the news at least four times a day on the main stations but also offerring extra add ons, such as cable or satellite, allowing a person to have up to or over a thousand options on channels. Some believe television has become too much of a distraction in our lives and others feel as though television can be very helpful if used in a positive way.  I believe television is way too much of a distraction. Although those are two very valid points one of the more controversial subjects pertaining to telvision is not only what television should be able to broadcast but what they should have to censor in relevance to not only the words spoken but what is shown. One example is should television have to beep out the word bitch? or should they be allowed to broadcast it? This relates to the idea that television has a huge influence on teenagers. So what is "appropriate" to show? and what is deamed as "innapropriate"?

Bill O'Reilly has a heated debate about what is shown on television with Steve Allen (a comedian and activist) in his book The No Spin Zone. Here is a small excerpt from their debate about television:

"ALLEN: The problem with TV, which comes into our homes, is that seven- and eight-year-old children are now seeing a hell of a lot of vulgarity, and I haven't been able to hear anyone tell me that's good for the children or for the country.
O'REILLY: Do you think watching these prgrams makes kids want to have sex?
ALLEN: No. Mother Nature makes them want to have sex. "

I do not think you can agree with either of the two in this arguement because both of their points go hand in hand. I think O'Reilly was just "playing the devil" in making that statement.

I believe that television is  beginning to go too far. It distracts me way too much as well. I just hope that it does not continue to become more and more tolerant with the amount of skin that is shown on the screen because after all adults are not the only ones who can press the on button of the TV.

Are you distracted by the TV? Do you think that TV has gone too far?

Too racy?

Taking over our lives?

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